Battery 4 – 1. Organizing sound libraries/Saving kits

Author: sleepfreaks

The evolved Battery 4

Recently, Native Instrument’s “Battery 4” 
interface got an upgrade, with new additions to it’s library.


The variety of Electro kits stands out,
and it’s sound quality has increased drastically.

Battery Video access

  1. 1Organizing sound libraries/Saving kits *Current article
  2. 2Editing cells
  3. 3Individual outputs
  4. 4Various Cell techniques

Sound library

A factor that greatly dictates a software’s ease of use is its “library (sounds).”

“Battery4″s “sound library” has gotten an upgrade,
and finding/previewing sounds is alot easier than before.

Reading kits


Select sounds you want to use from the “Library” tab.
The search path flows from 「Kits」→「Drums」→「Acoustic」

After narrowing down, the resulting “kits” will show up below.


Double click on a kit to bring it up.

Reading samples

In the “Samples” selection,
you can read instruments individually, such as kick, snare, and cymbal.

You can choose to do maneuvers such as switch out the “snare” in the kit.

Use this function to make your own original kits!!


Select the “Sample” tab and find the sound you want.

The results will show up.
Just drag and drop to the cell you want to place it.

Previewing samples


You can preview sounds on the bottom left area of the interface.

By turning on the megaphone mark, the sample sounds will play.
In addition, you can adjust the listening volume from the slider on the right.


By turning on the “refresh” mark on the left,
just selecting the sample will allow you to switch out the cell.

Saving original kits

After creating your own original kit,
you can save it as well.


Click on the area in the red box,
and select 「File」→「Save Kit As」

Save Kit

  • 1_Enter kit name
  • 2_Create a folder where you want to save it, and select it
  • 3_In this mode the sounds will be saved as well

Click save and you’re done!

Adding your original kits to your library

This function allows you to quickly access your own original kits.


Click on the area in the red box shown above,
and select 「File」→「Preferences」


  • Select the Library tab
  • Select the User tab
  • Select Add, and designate the folder you made previouslyす

Last, click “Rescan.”


The kits saved in the folder after completing this setup can be accessed via “Kits” and “User.”


Also, by setting up a “sounds folder” for other purchased products,
You can quickly access single sound files from “Samples” and “User.”