Drum fills

Author: sleepfreaks

Using drum fills to create smooth transitions

「Fills」 are a well used articulation in drums.
It generally used to create smooth transitions within a song.

We will take a look techniques to add fills
to the “main drum” sound.

「Sound used」

Sound design

Optimizing to tempo


If the fill material doesn’t match the tempo like above,
use 「time stretching」.

Time stretching by DAW

Editing rhythmic nuances with quantization


When the fills groove doesn’t match the song, using「audio quantizing」is a good way to fix this problem.
Adding a little bit of swing to make the rhythm groove is a good technique that’s often incorporated.

Quantizing with swing by DAW

Applying effects

After adding fills, its good to differentiate its sound with the original drum sounds.
Applying effects and making big changes is a great way to achieve this.


By using EQ to apply a「low cut」,
you can prevent clashes in the low end.


Another great effect is adding some distortion!
Try out any effects that interest you like modulation, spacial effects, to find the sound you are looking for!