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  • fabfilter Pro-Q 3 New Functions Tutorial 3. Brickwall Slope/Flat Tilt/Masking Detection

fabfilter Pro-Q 3 New Functions Tutorial 3. Brickwall Slope/Flat Tilt/Masking Detection

Author: sleepfreaks

New functions that are certain to increase the quality of your songs


This is our last tutorial for fabfilter Pro-Q 3.
We’ll take a look at the new shape/filters, and useful functions like spectrum viewing on other tracks.
They’re all functions that help further improve the Pro-Q plugin.

Now let’s take a look!

fabfilter Pro-Q 3 Brickwall Slope/Flat Tilt/Masking Detection Video Access

Brickwall & Flat Tilt

Let’s start by taking a look at the additional filter slopes and EQ shapes.

Filter slope – Brickwall

A new Brickwall slope was added to low/high cuts.

Right click on a low/high cut EQ point, and select「Brickwall」from「Slope」.
This slope cuts of frequencies sharper than any other slope.

This works great for removing absolutely unneeded frequencies, as well as for interesting sound-making.

EQ shape – Flat Tilt

A new Flat Tilt EQ shape was added as well.

Right click on the EQ point and select「Flat Tilt」from「Shape」.
It allows you to create a tilt with the point as a center as shown.

Track spectrum function

The new 「track spectrum function」allows you to view the frequency spectrum of another track as well.
You can visually analyze the frequency spectrum in reference to another track, and use it for splitting up frequency roles within a track as well.

We’ll use it on a kick and bass track for this example.

We placed Pro-Q on a kick track and applied Pro-Q on the bass as well with some equalizing.
Click on the「Analyzer」portion below.

All tracks with Pro-Q 3 applied on it will be shown, and you can view each tracks frequencies while the track is playing.
We will select the「Kick」track for this example.

Masking detection function


Like shown, the selected kick’s frequencies are shown as a red line for reference.
In addition, a light red is shown in some places.

This shows the frequencies that are overlaying with the Pro-Q placed bass track.


By cutting and editing these frequencies, you can create a more separated sound, very visually and instinctively.


By looking at the compiled frequencies from above, you can see that the overlapping frequencies from the tracks are shown in red.
If the track sounds muddy, use this tool to check what may be the issue.

Spectrum Grab improvements

This isn’t a new function, but by holding onto the frequency area you can view the new「Spectrum Grab」.
Frequencies are shown above, making editing even easier than before.

Surround Sound compatibility

Pro-Q is now compatible with surround sound as well.


Apply Pro-Q to a surround sound track, and be able to apply EQ to designated speakers as well.

This completes the new fabfilter Pro-Q 3 functions.
Though we believed there was no EQ as functional as this one before,
this new update proves us wrong!
Please try out this plugin experience!